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There's no Place like Home

Performance in collaboration with Maya Elran

Opening night of Tel Aviv municipality art weekend 2014

Duration: 3 hours

Yellow paint, municipal street cleaners equipment, clothing from the neighborhood stores and sound track of the 1939 Wizard of Oz movie.



A yellow path that once leads to a center for the blind is marked along four central streets in Neve Sha’anan neighborhood in south Tel Aviv.


The center is closed, the path is faded and partly gone. It’s a neighborhood in which the work ‘Home’ is full of question marks: veteran residents that feel there home was robbed from them, migrant workers who left there home for an opportunity to support it, refugees who were forced to run away from there homes and one neighborhood that is the neglected back yard of the Tel Avivi home.


The yellow brick road that is supposed to lead Dorothy to the Wizard of Oz that will know how to get here back home, is turned into a re-marking journey  that leads no where.


Photographer: Dima Polivkin

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